Positioning IBM as a Tech Policy Leader

In a rapidly changing world where innovation is outpacing regulation, IBM recognized the need for positive, responsible, and forward-looking leadership in the tech industry.


As the trusted leader in tech, IBM has a business-wide commitment to tackle the most pressing public policy issues of our time. Building on our 2020 partnership to form the IBM Policy Lab, Precision works hand in hand with IBM to uplift the company’s points of views and actionable recommendations to policymakers to ensure the world can harness the benefits of innovation. In 2023, as the world ‘s eyes turned to artificial intelligence, Precision and IBM worked together to define its point of view on how global governments can effectively regulate the technology so that AI can benefit society and flourish safely.


We know that to break through the highly cluttered tech landscape, we need an effective message that defines IBM’s technology and role in the marketplace and its differentiated policy points of view on key issues like Artificial Intelligence, Semiconductors, Quantum, Privacy, Workforce and Skills, and more. But a message is only as good as the strategy behind it. We work day to day with IBM to craft strategies that ensure amplification of its positions and technology among the world’s top thought leaders, government officials, academia, media and opinion leaders at key moments. That strategy relies on smart, creative and strategically timed tactics that we flawlessly execute with their team – from digital and social media positioning to earned media to influencer engagement and events to newsletter programs and thought leadership, we drive a day to day drumbeat of content and outreach that ensures IBM is shaping the narrative with its distinct, trusted positions.



In 2020, we successfully positioned IBM Policy Lab as a leader on tech policy, earning coverage in top-tier outlets including The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and Politico and secured an exclusive story in Bloomberg. Our initial launch tweet garnered 32,000+ impressions and our newsletter average open rate was 49.6%, compared to an industry average of 33.6%. Today, we continue to deliver high-value placements, critical social media content and strategy, influencer and media opportunities, and more to drive IBM’s global policy agenda forward.